Post by Mike Frysingerimo, we should migrate to git, and to github. it wouldn't impact the
mailing list (we can keep this fine).
Ok, I didn't think about that possibility. That's another way of keeping
some part at SF for now to minimize the immediate to-do-list for a move :)
Well, if you help the project with establishing a master at github, I
(and obviously many others here) would certainly appreciate that?
In that case I'd even opt to do the very next release *there* so
everyone who integrates / packages that will already base the work on a
more future-proof source.
I'll have a look at the possibilities to transfer tickets to github, at
least some content, not necessarily the original author info.
In my ancient "release-to-do" note (found somewhere in old archives),
one of the action points is to update the NEWS file. Maybe we should do
this a last time for the upcoming release?