[UrJTAG-dev] MANUFACTURERS file update with a more recent list?
Benjamin Henrion
2017-03-20 15:54:18 UTC

Would it be worth to update the MANUFACTURERS file with a more recent update?


I know Jedec claims copyright on the list, I don't know what you think.


Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
"In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise software
patents in Europe, the patent establishment changed its strategy.
Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability of
software, they are now seeking to create a central European patent
court, which would establish and enforce patentability rules in their
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democratically elected legislators."
Geert Stappers
2017-03-20 18:03:57 UTC
Post by Benjamin Henrion
Would it be worth to update the MANUFACTURERS file with a more recent update?
I know Jedec claims copyright on the list, I don't know what you think.
I think: work together (and avoid fights)

On working together: Collect/gather manufactur ID that come along.

On avoiding fights: Be prepared when JEDEC claims "hey, that is _my_ list".

Both can (and are) be done with VCS, e.g. `svn praise` or `git blame`.

About http://www.idhw.com/textual/chip/jedec_spd_man.html
It enumerates bytes (8bits) and byte 1 up to 4 ( ~ 2bits )
Matching those 10bits with 11bits in MANUFACTURERS file
seems to be possible.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven
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