[UrJTAG-dev] porting opendous to urjtag
2013-03-30 16:44:33 UTC

I'm porting opendous cable driver to urjtag, and have hard time with it.
After sucessfully modifing the code, I'm able to compile urjtag and more
I'm able to detect the opendous device.
But all the libusb transfers fails with error 22.

My version of urjtag is on https://github.com/radekh/urjtag
My notes and error description is on
http://www.hnilica.cz/radek/notes/CPLD_and_BORA.html part 6 and 7. Today
part 7.2.

Actually I try use libusb 1.0.
The building commands I use are:

./autogen.sh --with-libusb=1.0
make clean && make

I forget to fix some important usblib call probably. But can't find what
Colin O'Flynn
2013-04-01 17:47:13 UTC
Hi Radek,

I saw a somewhat odd error: when compiling opendous.c, HAVE_LIBUSB1 was NOT
defined, despite using libusb1. Other files seemed to have HAVE_LIBUSB1

I hacked the Makefile in src/tap/Makefile at line 295: and added the follow:


And rebuild (make clean; make). The result was some errors on my system when
calling the bulk_write since it was mixing the APIs. With that changed,
'cable opendous' works fine.

I need to trouble-shoot some other stuff as I hacked the source a bit in
finding that, so don't know if it works further.



From: Radek [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: March-30-13 1:45 PM
To: urjtag-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [UrJTAG-dev] porting opendous to urjtag


I'm porting opendous cable driver to urjtag, and have hard time with it.

After sucessfully modifing the code, I'm able to compile urjtag and more I'm
able to detect the opendous device.

But all the libusb transfers fails with error 22.

My version of urjtag is on https://github.com/radekh/urjtag

My notes and error description is on
http://www.hnilica.cz/radek/notes/CPLD_and_BORA.html part 6 and 7. Today
part 7.2.

Actually I try use libusb 1.0.

The building commands I use are:

./autogen.sh --with-libusb=1.0

make clean && make

I forget to fix some important usblib call probably. But can't find what