[UrJTAG-dev] Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H detect command
Florian Mahlecke
2015-02-23 07:00:58 UTC

I'm trying to use Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H with UrJTAG but the initially
"detect" command is not working (UrJTAG freeze/hangs):

jtag> cable ARM-USB-OCD-H help
Usage: cable ARM-USB-OCD-H [vid=VID] [pid=PID] [desc=DESC]
[interface=INTERFACE] [index=INDEX] [driver=DRIVER]

VID USB Device Vendor ID (hex, e.g. 0abc)
PID USB Device Product ID (hex, e.g. 0abc)
DESC Some string to match in description or serial no.
INTERFACE Interface to use (0=first, 1=second, etc).
INDEX Number of matching device (0=first, 1=second, etc).
DRIVER usbconn driver, either ftdi-mpsse or ftd2xx-mpsse

Default: vid=15ba pid=2b driver=ftdi-mpsse

jtag> cable ARM-USB-OCD-H vid=0x15ba pid=0x002a
Connected to libftd2xx driver.
jtag> detect

Used Libs:

libftdi 1.2-1
libusb 1.0.19-1

Any suggestions?

Florian Mahlecke
2015-02-23 07:11:56 UTC

I'm trying to use Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H with UrJTAG but the initially
"detect" command is not working (UrJTAG freeze/hangs):

jtag> cable ARM-USB-OCD-H help
Usage: cable ARM-USB-OCD-H [vid=VID] [pid=PID] [desc=DESC]
[interface=INTERFACE] [index=INDEX] [driver=DRIVER]

VID USB Device Vendor ID (hex, e.g. 0abc)
PID USB Device Product ID (hex, e.g. 0abc)
DESC Some string to match in description or serial no.
INTERFACE Interface to use (0=first, 1=second, etc).
INDEX Number of matching device (0=first, 1=second, etc).
DRIVER usbconn driver, either ftdi-mpsse or ftd2xx-mpsse

Default: vid=15ba pid=2b driver=ftdi-mpsse

jtag> cable ARM-USB-OCD-H vid=0x15ba pid=0x002a
Connected to libftd2xx driver.
jtag> detect

Used Libs:

libftdi 1.2-1
libusb 1.0.19-1

Any suggestions?

