[UrJTAG-dev] Patch for urjtag for USBprog 5
Benedikt Sauter
2016-06-29 04:26:39 UTC

we create a patch for the usbprog 5. It is an embedded linux based programmer (www.usbprog.org <http://www.usbprog.org/>) https://github.com/embeddedprojects/usbprog5 <https://github.com/embeddedprojects/usbprog5>

Inside there is an LPC3131 from NXP. We used direct the SPI interface to do jtag.

If you a intrestested you can add our source to the project.

Regards Benedikt

Benedikt Sauter
M.Sc., Dipl.-Inf. (FH), GeschÀftsfÌhrer

Tel +49 821 27 95 99 0
Fax +49 821 27 95 99 20
***@embedded-projects.net <mailto:***@wawision.de>
www.embedded-projects.net <http://www.wawision.de/>

embedded projects GmbH
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D-86152 Augsburg

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Augsburg
Handelsregister: Augsburg, HRB 23930
GeschÀftsfÌhrung: Dipl.-Inf.(FH) Benedikt Sauter M.Sc.
