I guess It's just a matter of connecting txd, rxd, rts and cts lines to tck,
tdi, tdo and tms respectively. There's no actual need to "configure" since
urjtag is taking care of putting the chip into bitbang mode.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregg Levine [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: den 22 oktober 2012 02:58
To: urjtag-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [UrJTAG-dev] FT232R driver
Post by Ã
ke RehnmanThe FT232R is abundantly available in all kinds of dongles and boards.
There's also numerous cables available from FTDI with the FT232R chip.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: den 22 oktober 2012 00:54
To: Åke Rehnman
Subject: Re: [UrJTAG-dev] FT232R driver
Post by Ã
ke RehnmanSo, here's the final FT232R for both ftd2xx and ftdi low level drivers.
The FT232R is used on the Arduino Duemilanove, where you can solder 4
Post by Ã
ke Rehnman-volt-meter-and-ft232r/
I also made a special USB cable in order to make the FTDI chip and the
Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
For a project I am currently working my way through I finally have a
need for traversing the chains associated with the parts of JTAG that
were originally conceived for the self-test functions. That being said
I see that work is being delivered with regards to using the ordinary
FT232R device in bit-bang mode for that illustrious purpose. I have
two here as breakout boards from Sparkfun. Any suggestions for
configuring either of them for this method? I plan on doing so via
I had originally thought of visiting the methods suggested by
configuring an ordinary Arduino to do the job, then I discovered that
the program that talked to the device running the appropriate sketch
was oriented towards sorting out the odd broken router.
Gregg C Levine ***@gmail.com
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